Differentiable rendering

How to use PSDR-CUDA for forward rendering has been shown in the previous section. In what follows, we focus on performing differentiable rendering.

Similar to the forward-rendering case, after being loaded and configured, a scene can be rendered in a differentiable fashion by calling an integrator’s renderD() method. The return value of this method is an Enoki CUDA array of the type enoki.cuda_autodiff.Vector3f.

Generating derivative image

The following example generates a derivative image image_deriv with respect to the rotation angle P of the first mesh about the Z-axis.

import enoki as ek
from enoki.cuda_autodiff import Float32 as FloatD, Vector3f as Vector3fD, Matrix4f as Matrix4fD
import psdr_cuda

# Load the scene without configuring it
scene = psdr_cuda.Scene()
scene.load_file('scene.xml', auto_configure=False)

# Initialize a parameter P for differentiation
P = FloatD(0.)

# Construct a rotation matrix
mat = Matrix4fD.rotate(Vector3fD(0., 0., 1.), P)

# Left-multiply this matrix to the to-world transformation of the first mesh of the scene

# Configure the scene

# Start rendering!
image = psdr_cuda.DirectIntegrator().renderD(scene, sensor_id=0)

# Compute derivative image with respect to P using forward-mode autodiff
image_deriv = ek.gradient(image)

Differentiating image loss

What follows is another example that computes the gradient of the image RMSE loss, given a target image target_image, with respect to all vertex positions of Mesh[0]. The resulting grad can then be used in gradient-based optimization pipelines to minimize loss.

import enoki as ek
from enoki.cuda_autodiff import Float32 as FloatD, Vector3f as Vector3fD, Matrix4f as Matrix4fD
import psdr_cuda

# Load the scene without configuring it
scene = psdr_cuda.Scene()
scene.load_file('scene.xml', auto_configure=False)

# Compute gradient with respect to mesh vertex positions

# Configure the scene

# Start rendering!
image = psdr_cuda.DirectIntegrator().renderD(scene, sensor_id=0)

# Compute the RMSE image loss
loss = ek.sqrt(ek.hmean(ek.squared_norm(target_image - image)))

# Reverse-mode autodiff

# Obtain the gradient of the loss
grad = ek.gradient(scene.param_map["Mesh[0]"].vertex_positions)